For Media
Healthy Homes Coalition of West Michigan
(616) 241-3300
Press Releases
April 11, 2018
Removing Dangerous Lead Paint Now Free for Qualifying Homeowners (490 KB)
Press kit available here.
The Get the Lead Out! program was recently simplified, making participation free for eligible homeowners. The program is available to renters, homeowners and landlords who meet certain eligibility requirements. Repairs typically include new windows and siding.
People who live in the City of Grand Rapids – particularly those who live in homes built before 1978 – probably have lead in the paint inside and outsidetheir homes. Lead is bad – especially for kids, babies and pregnant women. It causes brain damage and learning disabilities.
Lead poisoning can be prevented. There’s HUD funding to remove lead paint SAFELY through a program known locally as Get the Lead Out! The program is led by the city of Grand Rapids in collaboration with the Healthy Homes Coalition of West Michigan, the Kent County Health Department and the Rental Property Owners Association.
November 6, 2017
Lead Poisoning on the Rise in Kent County (597 KB)
Press kit available here.
New health data shows that after a decade of decline, the number of lead-poisoned children in Kent County is rising.
Most troubling: The 49507 zip code in Grand Rapids not only continues to lead the state of Michigan in numbers of most lead-poisoned kids, but this same zip code has seen a 40 percent increase in children being poisoned during the past two years.
The culprit isn't in the water - it's lead-based paint found in older homes.
Resources are available to help residents Get the Lead Out.
June 16, 2017
Grand Rapids Mayor Rosalynn Bliss proclaims June “Healthy Homes Month” in Grand Rapids (811 KB)
(Click here for copy of the Proclamation)
City of Grand Rapids Mayor Rosalynn Bliss has issued a Mayoral Proclamation declaring June 2017 as “Healthy Homes Month.” Nationally, June also has been designated “Healthy Homes Month” by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
“When the City and its partners invest in housing, there is a significant return on investment for the community in terms of healthcare savings and improved quality of life. Fixing housing saves money and it saves lives,” says Paul Haan, executive director of the Healthy Homes Coalition of West Michigan and gubernatorial appointee to the State of Michigan’s Child Lead Exposure Elimination Commission.
June 7, 2017
City of Grand Rapids and Other Community Partners Aim to Make 50 Homes Lead-Safe This Summer (260 KB)
People wearing bright red t-shirts are canvasing some of the neighborhoods and festivals in Grand Rapids starting this June – but they’re not stumping for a political candidate: They’re hoping that homes in the city will Get the Lead Out! Armed with free lead-testing kits and brochures, these team members from the Healthy Homes Coalition of West Michigan are letting people know about federal funds available to make lead abatement possible.
July 20, 2016
City of Grand Rapids Receives $2.9 Million to Reduce Childhood Lead Poisoning (214 KB)
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced June 20, 2016 that the City of Grand Rapids will receive $2.9 million to help reduce childhood lead poisoning by eliminating lead paint hazards in housing.
The HUD Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes is making the award through the 2016 Lead Based Paint Hazard Control Grant Program. The three-year grant will support the City’s Lead Hazard Control Program operated by the Community Development Department. The grant also provides Healthy Homes funding to concurrently address other home health and safety hazards. The City’s partners include the Healthy Homes Coalition of West Michigan, the Kent County Health Department, LINC Community Revitalization, Inc., and the Rental Property Owners Association.
September 15, 2014
Get the Lead Out! Press Kit (822 KB)

Get the Lead Out! - now in 10th year - announces deadline for applications to make GR homes lead safe. To be considered for the funding, applications should be received by Dec. 1, 2014. Press kit contains: press release, fact sheet, media sources, images, b-roll, additional reports and resources.
In the News
January 2016 - Lead poisoning in W. MI: ‘It’s not something in the past’ (WOOD TV-8)
December 2015 - Data shows even higher lead poisoning in kids in West Michigan than Flint (FOX-17)
December 2015 - Far from Flint, lead remains an irreversible scourge (Bridge)
March 2015 - Federal and local money work to stop lead poisoning in city (Grand Rapids Business Journal)
October 2014 - Lead poisoning prevention as economic development (The Rapidian)
September 2014 - Getting the word out about Get the Lead Out (Michigan Radio)
From WYCE:
September 2014 - Catalyst Radio: Grants available through Healthy Homes Coalition get lead contamination out of homes (WYCE via The Rapidian)
September 2014 - Get the Lead Out! (WZZM-13)
September 2014 - 'Get the Lead Out': Program to help families make homes safe (Fox 17)
September 2014 - Grants available to remove lead poisoning in Grand Rapids homes (Mlive)
Get the Lead Out! Program Brochure (524 KB)